Our Standards
100% Grass FedWe strive to raise the highest quality meat. Our beef and lamb is 100% grass fed and grass finished.
Spring WateredIn a typical day our livestock can lounge under the shade of trees, drink from natural springs, and eat fresh chemical free grass.
3rd Generation RanchersThe Carlsons have perfected their production and processing methods over the years and offer products they are proud to serve their family, friends, and customers.
ALL NATURALLivestock at BlueTree Farms are never given antibiotics or added growth hormones. In the event an animal requires antibiotics it is separated from the herd and not sold for human consumption.
UTAH RAISED & PROCESSEDOur meats are processed locally and are done under USDA inspection. Our Utah grass fed meat is natural and of the highest quality.
A Healthier Meat ChoiceHigher in CLA content, high in Omega-3 and low in Omega-6 fatty acids make grass fed meat more “Heart Healthy” (Similar to the health benefits of fish).
Our Story
School ended and the summer months were ahead. Shanna Carlson remembers getting in the family car and meeting her grandparents at the half-way point between Duchesne, Utah and Ramah, New Mexico. She and her three sisters spent summers with their granddad, moving cows from one grazing range to another, vaccinating animals, and anything else that needed to be done. It was during those working summers when Shanna fell in love with livestock and the ranching lifestyle.
Meanwhile, Bjorn Carlson’s family moved from the Wasatch Front to a ranch that was purchased by his dad and grandfather in Bluebell, a small community in northeastern Utah. His parents were both schoolteachers who wanted their children to enjoy the benefits of being raised on a ranch. Bjorn recalls being 5- or 6-years-old and knowing that ranching was what he wanted to do.
The summers came and went, and one day Shanna’s sister introduced her to Bjorn. It didn’t take any time at all for them to fall in love and marry. Both grew up on cattle ranches and shared the dream of continuing the ranching tradition. But as dreams usually go, ranching didn’t happen right away. They knew they needed to work hard, plan, and prepare for the day when they could start a farm of their own.
During the early years of their marriage, both worked in law enforcement. Shanna was a corrections officer and Bjorn was an adult probation and parole agent. In 2011 they took a big leap of faith and started BlueTree Farms and began raising beef cattle full-time. They started with 50 Angus beef cows and now have 150 cows.
Their cattle graze on privately-owned pastures and are USDA grass-fed certified. Grass fed beef is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, and when compared with other types of beef, may have heart-healthy benefits such as less fat.
Shanna says Angus cows are smart, predictable, and easy to work with. She learned how to work with cows from her “Old school cowboy” grandad, and that’s how she raises her cows.
Responding to their customers’ demands for all-natural lamb, pork, and chicken, the family diversified and began raising lamb, Kurobuta-Berkshire pork, and free-range chickens.
Lamb is an excellent source of B12, niacin, zinc, and iron. While other red meats also offer these same nutrients, lamb stands out with a surprising benefit: lamb is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids, the cancer fighting, heart healthy fatty acids most often touted in fish like salmon.
The Carlsons raise 100% purebred Kurobuta-Berkshire hogs, a breed that originated from Berkshire, England. Berkshire hogs produce the finest quality pork due to shorter muscle fibers and lots of marbling, which contributes to both to both the flavor and the tenderness of the meat.
What does this Utah farm family love most about what they do? Both Shanna and Bjorn answer in unison: “The opportunity to work with our family.” The Carlsons’ have four children: Alyssa, 16, Adrianna, 14, Kristian, 12, and Kaitlin, 10. The love of ranching runs through the veins of the Carlson children. They participate in Future Farmers of America competitions and are looking for related careers in animal sciences and veterinary services. Their son, Kristian, has given Shanna and Bjorn fair warning that someday he wants to live in their current family home, the home his great-grandfather built. He’s itching to carry on the family ranching tradition.
The couple is quick to tell you that BlueTree is a family farm. Everyone in the family has a chore and you never know what the day is going to bring. The typical summer day starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 10 p.m. The hours are filled with feeding pigs twice a day, moving and fixing irrigation lines, fixing fences, and riding the range to check on cows.
The Carlson children have learned to work hard, be responsible, and develop an entrepreneurial spirit. Shanna remembers a business deal that her son recently pitched to her. “Hey mom, I want to go into the egg business.”
Bjorn says the children are always thinking of a better way or a new idea. He calmly stood aside as his daughter tried out a idea for a better way to load the freezers on the truck to get them ready for the farmers market. Bjorn knew it wasn’t going to work, but was willing to let his daughter figure it out for herself. She turned around and admitted, “Your way is easier.”
Farm kids learn valuable lessons along the way. Shanna says her philosophy of “Slower is faster” came from her grandad. If you get into a pen of cows and start to hoop and holler, the cows are going to go all different directions. He taught her to keep calm and the quieter the better.
Carlsons have perfected their production and processing methods. They know how to effectively manage their pastures and animals for optimal health and growth. It makes them happy to provide quality products from start to finish. Products they are proud to serve their family, friends, and customers.
Not everyone can raise animals, so the Carlson family feels blessed to own and operate BlueTree Farms, a business born from their roots!
Our ranch is located in secluded and pastoral Northeastern Utah. Here our free-range livestock enjoy the best of everything. In a typical day our livestock can lounge under the shade of trees, drink from natural springs, and eat fresh chemical free grass. All of our livestock are free range, and never given antibiotics or growth hormones.
Our Ranch with cattle, sheep, and pigs allows for the land and livestock to live in balance with one another. Each type of livestock feed on different types of forage. This makes the land more productive and the livestock healthier.
Meet Our Team

Missy has a bachelors degree in science with an emphasis in horticulture. She has been on the BlueTree Team for several years. Her knowledge of plants and her passion for good, wholesome plants have been a great asset to our team. You will most likely see Missy at one of our many Farmers Market booths.
Carlsons have perfected their production and processing methods. They know how to effectively manage their pastures and animals for optimal health and growth. It makes them happy to provide quality products from start to finish. Products they are proud to serve their family, friends, and customers.
Not everyone can raise animals, so the Carlson family feels blessed to own and operate BlueTree Farms, a business born from their roots!

Our Products
Lounging under the shade of trees, drinking from natural springs, and eating fresh chemical free grass that is what our livestock do.
Experience the difference of Kurobuta pork! Our pork is used by some of the top restaurants in the country.
All of our livestock are free range, and never given antibiotics or growth hormones. Taste the difference of 100% Grass Fed Lamb!
✓ Non-GMO Grains
✓ NO growth hormones
✓ NO antibiotics
✓ Pasture Raised